10 Free Ways To Improve Your Mental Health Today
Mental health issues can dictate a person’s life, yet simple daily things can improve it instead
You can improve your mental health easily.
And the great thing is that you can do it for free!
Here are ten ways in which you can achieve better mental health today:
Be with Nature:
Getting outside is one of the greatest gifts, you can give yourself.
Nature provides a balance and this is what our minds like and is always striving to achieve.
Whatever bad there is in nature there is an equal opposite force of good there too. By spending time in nature you`ll begin to notice how your mind goes closer to this center of balance.
Spend Time Alone:
Lots of people are afraid of being alone as that’s where their greatest fears lie.
But being alone is a gift. It allows you to face those fears and that’s where the answers to your problems are. By establishing a daily time that you can be completely alone, you`re doing yourself a great favor.
Once you do this, solutions will become more obvious to the problems that exist in your life.
Most people don’t breathe properly.
Doesn’t that sound odd?
But it’s true.
There’s a fight or flight response in our brains and by breathing deeply you are calming your brain.
This enables you to make the right decision every time. When others are struggling or panicking to make a decision, you’ll be in a calm space in your mind and already responding the right way instead.
By breathing from your diaphragm you`re improving the calmness of your brain.
Movement is highly underrated.
Obesity levels, hip replacements, and spinal stresses are increasing over the past couple of decades and are projected to dominate physical health issues in the future. By understanding the basics of how your body moves you`ll be giving yourself a great gift to your mental health too. Then, by exercising a little regularly you`ll be clearing your mind of its deep stress.
Movement in your body also creates your brain to adapt to this exercise and that’s how creativity begins to heal your mind.
Talk To a Friend:
Because of social media, there is a decreasing physical need to be in a friend’s presence.
However, it’s much healthier for your mental health to be in the same place as someone when you’re conversing. As a very low percentage of communication happens when words are traded between two people, it’s important to know that body language and human energy connects people at a deeper level. By getting out and visiting a friend for a short time you improve your mental health and reinforce that friendship.
And being face to face with a friend in an open manner helps with social anxiety too.
Be More Self Aware:
We can often get stuck in a rut and we think that we are now a certain type of person.
But we can change.
Sure, it may take time for this to happen but once you recognize that you have this need within yourself then your awareness is increasing. Many people lack self-awareness and live their lives in a cycle of routine. Once you’re self-aware you can see what will make you happier in this world.
And being happy is how you shine and help others to shine in their lives too.
Eat Well:
There is a global obesity epidemic in the western world.
People are eating the wrong things and this is ruining their physical and mental health. Over time, your brain needs food to replenish and re-energize itself. Without the proper nutrition, your thoughts and creativity are harmed. This can bring about mental health difficulties.
By stopping eating one bad thing that harms your health each day, you`ll give your mind greater strength to choose better things to nourish it now and in the future.
Drink More Water:
Water is the source of life and if you’re not loading up on it you’re decreasing your ability to live well.
This affects your mental health a lot. By keeping yourself fully
hydrated you are giving your mind a better chance to function properly and also to think clearly.
In thinking well, more often than not, you’ll be able to make the right decision.
Sleep is extremely important for your mental health.
Studies show that the optimum sleep required by most people is between 7 to 8 hours each night.
By getting the proper amount of sleep you`re replenishing cells in your body and this is how you can grow and develop.
Without the ability to grow you`ll be stuck in the same mental health issue, so sleep is pivotal to help you overcome any problems of the mind.
Show Empathy:
Empathy is about putting yourself in the shoes of another.
By trying to understand others you`ll see that they too have problems in life. No one on earth is problem-free in their mind. However, different people have different ways of coping. By learning to show empathy you`ll be able to distract yourself from your problems and begin to understand how others solve theirs.
Once you understand others your relationships will also improve as this is where many mental health issues begin.
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