3 Ways To Achieve Mental Toughness Naturally
By talking to yourself, breathing properly, and believing in yourself you’ll become a tougher person in life
It’s true to say that the more times you are put into uncomfortable situations the more times you must seek to find the solution to the problems.
There’s no doubt about it that no one wants to be in a tough situation all of the time but many people find themselves in it often. Even if they try to get out of the situation their overall lives can be a circle of misery and there may never seem to be enough time to fix one thing before another thing goes wrong.
The loop of problems never seems to end.
This is especially so for many homeless people. They wake on the side of a street in the morning time. They need a shower, have no chance of clothes or money, are hungry, and are ashamed.
It’s a whole host of problems.
By the time they start working their way through the first problem other problems start.
Trying to progress and solve all problems becomes overly challenging as they need to find a safer spot for their next night of sleep.
Thankfully not everyone is homeless.
And once you accept that you have more advantages in your corner than someone like this then you’ve more opportunity to overcome your problems for good.
But the homeless person has advantages with this too. Because they know that as they have so many immediate problems that are stopping them from looking beyond the present day they simply have no option but to survive until they see a real opportunity to improve.
And most homeless people are so used to problems that they are experts are problem-solving.
The fact that many of them survive for years living on a street means they are mentally tougher than many housed people.
Here are 3 ways you can increase your mental toughness naturally so that when you’re faced with tough situations you’ll be confident that you can continually manage them and become more resilient in the longer term:
1. Talking to yourself works.
Because if you are stuck in a challenging situation alone you need to back yourself as no one else will.
If all around you doubt your resourcefulness then you have to flick the switch and use the basics of what you have. And when your back is to the wall you may have very little else but your reaction to guide you.
That’s when you can use your ability to be the guiding voice proactively.
If you start to think things like:
“If only I had more money I `d be able to solve this problem!”
Then you’re beginning to question yourself.
When this happens your mind can travel down a couple of different routes of self-talk. One can be negative and the other is positive.
Negative self-talk like:
“I`ll never be able to pay for this!”
will begin to trigger negative emotions and memories of when you were financially challenged in the past and did not do so well as a result of this.
But positive self talks like:
“I`ll think of a way to pay for this!”
motivates creative thinking and the opportunity to come up with ideas of how to get out of a challenging situation.
By coding your psyche proactively to be ready for challenging situations you are preparing it to be able to be ready for mental challenges that lie ahead.
2. Breathwork will prepare you to be more resilient in tough situations if you practice it enough.
And although it seems as if this is too simplistic to be true it’s your basic responses to how you deal with a problem that is the most important when challenging times exist. Because once you think proactively you’ll begin to find solutions. And the sooner you do the sooner you’ll solve the problem.
Breathing is the only intake of energy that you can control when you are left in a problematic situation.
If you have trained yourself to breathe properly then you’ll react well when the pressure is on and your breath will be structured in a way that will allow you to have a proper oxygen supply to think rationally about a solution to the situation you’re challenged with.
Whereas if you allow your breathing to become erratic and irregular it will trigger fear in your brain.
And from there it is difficult to perceive the situation as having opportunities rather than only problems.
3. When people don’t believe in you that’s when you have a choice to look at yourself and ask yourself :
“Do I believe in myself?”
And many people will balk at having to look at themselves in the mirror and asking themselves the question:
“Do I believe in you?”
They think it’s pathetic.
But the reality is it works. Because as the old saying once alluded to:
“You must be able to look yourself in the eye.”
And it’s so true.
By looking at yourself in the mirror and questioning yourself out loud and answering confidently that you are prepared for challenges you are showing yourself a powerful visualization that you are prepared enough for when a problem exists. By changing your body language to be more positive you are changing the energy that you have so that you are prepared to be more confident in facing a problem head-on.
And the more times you do this exercise the more times your memory is coded with seeing an upright and confident version of you that will be prepared to tackle any challenge that’s out there.
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