5 Things That Will Heal You Every Day
As we live such a hurried lifestyle we fail to recognize that we have the opportunity to heal ourselves by being close to nature’s elements and in doing so settle our minds and bodies for the busy day ahead
Life surrounds us with healing properties all of the time yet we will die.
It’s a strange thing but it is guaranteed.
But when we’re alive we never quite grasp how easy it is to heal ourselves at times. We complain of small things and never seem to realize that in complaining we are wasting the most valuable thing we are given in our lives.
And that of course is time.
Common complaints from many people can be that they have a sore back or an itchy feeling somewhere where they can’t seem to scratch better. And there are feelings of being mildly depressed or overly anxious about a future event. Yet many of these things are very small in the grander scheme of things.
But many people let them dominate their day and affect their overall mood.
And when that happens we tend to make decisions based on our emotions. Before you know it someone who started out with something innocuous ailment like a sore foot ends up in a wheelchair. Or someone who complained of feeling anxious about something very small has a panic attack.
Yet it doesn’t need to be this way.
And we don’t even have to go to our medical doctors with these small complaints so long as we know that healing is all around us.
Don’t get me wrong if you injury your spinal cord or experience horrible depression then a trip to your local medical doctor is a great place to start. But why waste the time of a good doctor with something small when you can control it within you. All you need to do is learn what is around you so that it will help heal you and nip the problem in the bud?
This type of thinking is what I first became aware of when I was a child.
And I consider it a gift that has served me well throughout my life so far.
Because I can clearly recall getting into some trouble as a small child whilst I rambled amongst nature. Not knowing what I was walking into during that welcome warm summer day I suddenly felt something strange that seemed like a bite.
Instead, though, it was then that I first got stung by nettles.
The sensation was sharp and I thought initially the pain would last for a long time. But it didn’t. Because I was quickly assured by my caring mother that although nettles sting there’s always an antidote within nature for everything.
In this case, it was dock leaves that helped me.
Within moments of rubbing it on my highly stung body I felt at ease again.
From there my mother explained how every time you see nettles dock leaves will be nearby.
She was right.
To this day every time, I see nettles that can harm you I see dock leaves nearby and know they can counteract that and heal you instead.
And it’s the same for many things in nature.
Because it can cause us illness but it can also give us healing.
And in our typical day, there is healing all around us.
Take traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as an example.
The five core healing elements to TCM are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.
And if we break this down we’ll notice these things provide instant healing to us even when we don’t think about it every day.
When we wake every morning our usual need for rising is because we need to pass water after our long sleep. Then we’ll find that washing our face gives refreshment and a feeling of being clean. Not long after that a glass of water will clean our kidneys and give us all the basic nutrients we need to make our breakfast.
There we usually choose something that will nourish us.
And on a winter morning, we`ll often use a microwave to heat up something warm for us to eat. Whereas in the summer if we are too warm we’ll have something cooler to alter our temperature. Because we are fully aware of how we like to have a certain level of heat in our bodies all of the time.
When we eat we’ll choose knives, forks, and spoons to help us eat.
They are made from stainless steel. And that’s made up of a mixture of molten iron and another metal called chromium which stops the steel from rusting.
We then sit at a wooden table or on a wooden chair to eat it.
Or if we are eager to get out and about we have the opportunity to walk amongst the trees on our streets or avenues. That’s how fresh air gives us a welcome start to the day as well.
And as we go along throughout our day our digestive system will be content if it has eaten breakfast with the fruits and berries that have grown naturally from our earth.
That’s when we know we have a good start to our day and we can regulate our emotions after being aware we have experienced all of the five elements.
From there, any soreness that is thrown our way can be balanced by our assurance that we know nature has the elements to battle against whatever will come our way.
And that makes life worth living knowing we have the connection with the healing of nature all around us.
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