5 Ways To Increase Your Brain’s Plasticity
Your brain can change if you train it to and it won’t cost money
Neuroplasticity increases your productivity by training your brain to create good habits.
In doing so, new neural pathways are created that will change your behavior and make you think better more regularly over time.
Here are 5 techniques you can use today to increase your brain’s plasticity:
1. Your frontal context loves to be told to plan things. And by planning for things that will be achieved we all get more satisfaction.
Planning for goals that you are passionate about and are important to your productivity is loved by your brain. By setting yourself a long-term goal that you’ve sought to do for a long time and have a passion for you’re not only exercising your frontal context over a longer period but you’re ironing neural patterns that’ll benefit you in the long run as well.
Because the next time that you seek to plan something you’ll benefit from having already planned a longer more attainable goal and you’ll know that you’ve fulfilled that goal and sustained the planning process over time.
As every time you do something you are establishing a new neural pattern and that is similar to exercising a muscle in your body. And the skills associated with planning become sharper and more defined in your brain’s circuitry too.
2. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions each day so that your true intention will come to pass.
If you allow your mind to drift then you`re wasting time and you’re not going to very productive. Your brain seeks out work and loves to concentrate so you need to feed it by focusing on the specific moment. We are faced with tens of thousands of decisions in a given day and we need to make the correct ones most of the time to even begin to get through each day successfully.
But many of us are on autopilot throughout the day going through a routine that we’ve created to makes things easier to achieve.
Often we balk at the thought of having to be mindful every single moment given that we do regular repetitive tasks that seem to easy. Things like washing your hands, walking down the stairs, and making your bed seem tedious to us all but by focusing your entire attention on doing those simple things you’re freeing up time to concentrate on other more complex things that can complicate the thousands of other decisions that you need to make around bigger things in your day.
Because being mindful is about managing your energy and your time so that you make the correct decision always.
By making the correct decision most of the time you`re re-wiring neural pathways that create habits. And these are better and more self-serving to you over the long run.
3. Challenge your brain with alternative mini-tasks by using your alternative hand to complete simple tasks in working your brain and creating positive neuroplasticity.
Texting with your weaker hand is a difficult thing to do for many. But by doing it you’re strengthening the connectivity between your brain cells. Although people often think they can multitask by doing things at the same time this is not so. By doing things such as ironing clothes while you`re trying to learn a new language from an audio recording or watching a factual documentary while cooking a new meal, your diminishing your productivity in doing both tasks as our brain prefers to concentrate on one thing only.
And by working with your weaker hand when doing simple tasks you’re working your impulse control and improving your emotional health too.
By doing so you’re making the earlier mentioned decision-making process simpler to achieve as you’re more controlled and patient in initially weighing up the consequences of making one decision over another.
4. Dancing improves your neural connectivity as it works in several areas within your brain such as the ability to listen to music, tap into your emotions, think rationally and creatively, and be kinesthetic too.
Researchers into Alzheimer’s disease have noted that dancing helps retrace memory paths more so than even doing a crossword, reading, or just listening to music. And freestyle dancing is more challenging again as you have to create new movement to the music and this taps into the creative part of your brain also. If you try to attempt to dance with a partner you`re reacting to their movement too which is not only challenging but also exercising your brain to react quickly which increases the ability to react which feeds into our ancient fight or plight circuitry.
5. By breathing properly you’re feeding the brain with its base energy and improving its overall ability to function and develop neuroplastic pathways that are most beneficial to you in the long run.
You’re also de-stressing your body and maximizing your brain’s ability to think logically. And correct breathing techniques lower your heart rate and your blood pressure while regulating cortical and your stress hormones too.
So breathe deeply and from your belly and you’ll notice how you’ll have more clarity in your thinking too.
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