6 Ways To Be Mentally Strong
Many people face challenges along their way and this can impinge upon their mental strength but you can learn from those who are mentally strong too so that you’ll avoid issues in the future
By experiencing tough times your mentality becomes stronger.
Similar to physical strength, every time you exercise a muscle and gradually increase the weight on it you’ll mentally grow and become a stronger person as a result.
Here are 6 ways mentally strong people continue to achieve despite adversity in life:
1. Mentally strong people are able to use their energy in the most productive way possible no matter what the outside distractions that may exist.
They’re able to continue to funnel this energy into working smartly and efficiently without becoming wayward. They remain focused and continue to understand their intentions when others around them may become complacent.
When tough and challenging times occur mentally strong people use this situation to fuel them in their progression to move forward to what they want to achieve. They’re able to re-direct themselves and sharpen their vision of their initial goals. And even if they are severely challenged, many around them are unable to focus as well and so by default, the mentally strong just keep on going and are ahead of others as a result.
2. When they set goals or objectives they keep to them no matter what.
Everyone has goals in life whether they are short or longer term and everyone gets knocked along the way when they want to progress. But people who are mentally strong rebound forward or pivot towards their goal. Even though they may have planned to achieve something by a certain time frame and in a certain way external things in life occur that are beyond their control.
So it’s important to react well to this unplanned distraction and make sure it pushes you towards your goal, even if it’s in a roundabout manner.
3. Problem-solving is a skill that many people don’t use enough these days because technologies solve problems instantly.
Think of it.
A smartphone can be used to calculate numbers in a jiffy. And if you`re not too sure about if you’re free on a certain date, it’ll present you with a calendar that you can enter a meeting into straight away or move things about pretty easily too.
But it’s not just that.
Smartphones, computers, and technology, in general, can do a whole lot of other stuff that on the surface makes your day a lot easier. Yet in doing so you’re not using your brain as it was designed to work. Technologies are there to make things better but it’s up to you to make sure they don’t stop you from being able to quickly make a calculated decision based on your experience and instinct rather than reaching for your technology to figure it out all of the time.
By doing so you’re stopping your brain from exercising what it does best.
And when a real problem comes along that technology can’t figure out and your brain isn’t sharp enough to react quickly, it can stumble and stutter and the problem can begin to affect your mind’s decision making. As some problems need to be solved immediately panic may set in if your brain’s software isn’t ready enough to solve the problem.
4. By solving problems without the use of too much technology you’re reaching into your memory, your creativity, and your analytical reasoning, and this is updating your brain’s software and making it more adaptable to future problems too.
Resilience is also important.
5. By having a more resilient mentality you are recognizing the problems, but being able to organize them in such a way that you keep your eye on the main problem that needs to be solved right now.
People who show resilience are knocked and wobbled along their path, but despite this pressure, are able to see what is the most pressing issue that needs to be addressed in a given moment and then work their way through each problem one by one in the correct order.
By solving problems in this way they become more confident to solve bigger problems as they arise and so it’s easier to address these problems as they come along as you’ve experienced in facing them and know you can get through them as you have the others in the past.
6. People who are mentally strong generally have better self-control which allows them to control emotions.
And when challenging things happen to someone it immediately becomes emotional. But being able to separate the emotion from the rational objective thinking that is required to solve the problem demands self-control.
If a problem or situation is very challenging then many people will get overly emotional and make decisions based on these feelings but the person who has more self-control can take a rational step back and size up the situation before making a thoughtful assessment of the potential outcomes of making one decision over another.
This is how great leaders make the right decision at times of extreme pressure.
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