7 Everyday Mind-Body Connections
Your body will go as far as you let it so long as you accept there is a mind-body connection at play
This morning I was cold and I woke earlier than usual.
I did so as I needed to go to the toilet. As I crept out of the room with one eye closed and the other one guiding the way I promised myself I`d sneak back into bed for a few more minutes until the alarm went off.
When I returned to bed I found it hard to settle.
My mind was now ready for the morning time as the light had crept in my opened eye once I walked to the bathroom. My body was getting fidgety in the bed so I swung my legs out of the bed and got myself dressed for the day.
After all, my mind knew it was time to get started for the day and my body was willing to go along with it too.
This is proof to me that there is a deep connection between both the brain and the body. And if you can convince your mind to do it then your body will follow as well. Because it will do all you request it to do.
Your body has an amazing capacity to go beyond its limits to please your thought process.
The problem is most people don’t think too big and so their body never experiences the capabilities that it has. Yet the capacity to achieve some incredible feats with your body can be achieved by most average bodies once the mind convinces it to do it. It’s the same for pain management as many people are capable of sustaining pain for longer periods simply because they have to stay alive.
Yet for many years traditional medicine ignored there was a connection between the mind and the body.
So the question is what are the obvious everyday mind and body connections that prove there is this mind and body connection?
1. Many people state they have a gut feeling about something and that either pushes them to do something or pulls them away from trying it
As they almost know the outcome they will get before they try. This is because they feel it before they attempt it.
And it has been proven that there is a brain and gut connection at work and this shows that what you feel deep inside of you will dictate the instinct of your mind’s level of comfort.
2. The ancient and traditional Chinese medicine of acupuncture has proven there is a connection between your body and your emotions
This is proved when a patient of the medicine has certain strong feelings and their trace can be observed in specific organs of the body that link with these emotions via a series of meridians in the human body. For example, when there is excessive anger the body`s liver can show signs of wear and tear and needs to be treated with acupuncture needles. This treatment then alleviates the anger and the patient feels much better as a result.
3. When you`re used to exercising and suddenly get injured it can frustrate you
And this emotion can then turn into a deeper depression if your mind is not able to regulate the feelings of not expressing itself physically. I have experienced this myself where I was often sidelined as a young athlete and found it frustrating to cope with losing out on the calendar of games in my chosen sport.
But it’s not only me as I`ve treated sportspeople who have communicated their dismay at not being able to perform in their sport of choice.
Yet the same often happens for people who are not competitive athletes but are used to a certain daily exercise routine. Because although exercising is a great habit to foster if the mind is not developed in tandem with it problems can exist for a person.
4. When you watch a movie and feel scared your heart can start racing
And although you’re in a movie theatre and there’s no logic to say that what’s scaring you is going to jump out of the big screen and become a reality in front of you, your brain still perceives it as a fear and so your heart races as a result.
5. When you’ve gotten sick from food in the past and you imagine eating it again you`ll automatically feel as you`re going to get sick
And this can happen even though your body has never had the foods ingested at all. Because it’s your brain’s imagination which is co-ordinating with your memory of the time it got physically sick and that’s how your mind and body are connecting to warn you away from eating that food again.
6. When you hear a song you like you`ll automatically tap your feet or move to the music
Because your memory will link the sounds with the rhythm it feels in your body and this is how your rational mind is bypassed by the instantaneous joy of the musical feel.
7. When certain people speak we often adopt specific body language to cope with their resonance of the voice
As their voice is like a musical instrument and its power and sound send a message to our brains and before we know it our bodies adopt a specific posture as it listens to the speaker.
Similarly, the words and energy a person emits can dictate our comfort levels in front of them and we may adopt a certain stance as a result of this.
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