7 Lessons People Often Learn Too Late In Life

If you can learn from the mistakes of others you`ll be able to avoid making the same mistakes yourself and have a better and more productive life as a result

Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D.
4 min readJun 14, 2021

Life is fleeting but we often only learn how short it is when it’s about to finish.

So you need to make the most of it.

Because if you don’t you’ll regret it and the harshest lesson life gives to you.

Here are 7 lessons people most often learn too late in life:

1. There’s only one go on the merry-go-round.

At least that’s the number of turns we’re aware of anyways. Because there has not been anyone to come back after death who has told us they’ve lived a life in another universe so you need to cherish the one chance you have.

And like a merry-go-round life can be scary as well.

It’s not meant to be easy all the way through. Challenges are part of it all and similarly to choosing to get on a merry-go-round in the first place once you do you can be scared almost instantaneously. And even if you`re not once you go around a bend you may be surprised what you see from that angle.

Because life serves you up to different things from different angles so you need to be ready for all that it brings.

Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash

2. The choices you make dictate the road in life you take.

Yet often most people don’t realize that although their choices may be small they`ll affect you once you make them. Even the simplest things like getting up a little bit earlier each morning means you`ll avoid traffic and get into work a little bit earlier. If you were to do this over a prolonged period it’ll mean you`ll be less stressed from sitting in traffic over time.

That allows you to have more time not only in the morning but throughout the day and into the evening as well.

It means you`ll be prepared for work daily and your performance over time will be more fruitful and with that rewards should be better in your work life too.

Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

3. You may only meet a person once in life so you have to make a great first impression.

That’s why you need to be ready.

Simple things like dressing well and grooming yourself properly mean a heck of a lot. Those small things that include attention to detail will impress people you meet.

And the funny thing is they may not notice your clothes at all but they’ll know you stand out in comparison to the others they’ve met before you came on to the scene in the first place.

So by being clean and tidy it means a lot and how you greet a person can clinch opportunities in life before others as well.

4. You have as much ability as most others that you meet in life.

And even though you may think at the time you meet others around you that you`re not as good as them you`re selling yourself very short in that moment. Because if you stepped back and looked objectively at yourself you`ll notice you`re a very impressive individual. And no one can be you in the exact way you can bring your best traits to the table.

So long as you maximize your ability you`ll get by every time.

And even if you don’t feel like you`re better than others around you by being consistent in your presentation you`ll impress a lot of people with your self belief too.

5. You were fitter and healthier much later in life than you thought you would be and being ‘too old’ was a stupid excuse you told yourself.

If you’re elderly you have an excuse because you may have medical problems that are drawing you back. But if you’re middle-aged or growing older there are no excuses except the ones you`re telling yourself.

And many people limit themselves because they realize they`ve aged a bit and aren’t the physical specimen they were when they were younger but in truth, once you`ve enough ability to change you`ve enough ability to get on with things and ‘just do it!’

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

6. You don’t need others in life to believe in you so long as you believe in yourself.

Because many people think they need someone to be alongside them and they don’t think they have that person in their lives so they use that as an excuse before trying something they may succeed at.

Yet if you try something and fail there’ll be people around you who’ll admire that you tried in the first place.

As they would’ve liked to try but simply didn’t have the courage to do it. And the funny thing is once you try something and fail it begins to dissipate the fear that you once had.

7. If you plan too much tomorrow becomes yesterday.

Now don’t get me wrong doing things properly often requires meticulous planning. But if you delay what you want to do by your rationale for planning you`ll miss the opportunity to do anything at all.

Because moments in life come and go and if you don’t grasp them and do something you`ll always regret it so get moving and give life a go!

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Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D.
Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D.

Written by Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D.

Forbes, INC. & Entrepreneur Magazines, CBS, & NBC Featured, Dr. Conor Is The No. 1 Best Selling Author of The Gym Upstairs

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