7 Positives of Covid-19
Pandemics are testing times but there are positives from them too so long as a person learns from their experiences
There are many positives arising from the whole Covid-19 experience and we have to keep them close to mind as we journey into the future.
These positives come from the action that we took when the pandemic arrived and how we experienced it as it unfolded in affecting our lives. However, the actions that came from the first lockdown came like the shot from a starter gun in a long race, and from there on things changed.
But, when we were young we may not have had a fancy starting gun to play with but we made way with our words that represented powerful actions in our mind.
Words such as:
“Ready, steady go!”
Were used and we knew that meant we had to move quickly.
It’s the same as when we made our first action ever. Even before we moved there were the actions when the midwife was instructing your mother to take at the exact moment you were born. Then, you came to this earth giving pain but it soon turned to joy, and yet you don’t remember a thing.
Think about it, the most celebrated moment of your life by all your loved ones, and yet, you’ll never know how it went.
Life is funny that way.
And we don’t know how we impact others until we take action. That action can be good or bad but, it will impact others somewhere in some way.
When we leave this earth it‘ll be the last action we take so we may as well make the actions between birth and death worthwhile ones for us and all in our life path.
Here are a few things that we’ve all learned from being in a pandemic and how it can help you to take positive actions for the rest of your life:
1. Be grateful for the small things in life.
If Covid-19 has taught you anything it’s that the small things in life that many took for granted before the pandemic are the most important things. Waking up without sickness, being able to look someone eye to eye, and knowing that communication brings joy are hugely important things to learn. The overall power of human connection is a bedrock for day to day happiness.
2. Your family and core bunch of friends are the most important people in your life.
For anyone that went through the pandemic who lost someone dear to them, they’ll know how much this person has created a hole in their life. But, the remaining people in their close circle are now even more important to them. And that’s why you need to keep them close and help them along in life.
3. The elderly are wise and beautiful and need to be protected.
Yet unfortunately, many of them were lost to the virus as it swept through countries all around the world. If you have someone elderly in your life they are a fountain of wisdom and their mere existence will help you along your path in life.
4. The great outdoors are a place of welcoming health and peace.
But for many who were cooped up in office blocks before the virus hit or behind a computer screen for excessive amounts of hours daily, did not appreciate it. If you use the outdoors to exercise in you’re giving yourself a great benefit to living a longer and healthier life.
5. Your locality is a great place to satisfy your adventurous spirit.
And even a short walk can release a well of creativity in your brain. From there you can get ideas that will push you to take more positive action in the future.
6. You do not need to be in stressful traffic every day.
For it’s a waste of time when you could be at home working for longer online or outside exercising or doing many things that are more productive.
7. You can work with anyone at any place in the world while still being at home.
And that means you can work at anything you’ve ever dreamed of working at too. By even changing your way of work to working online completely you’ll find that there are huge opportunities for growth that you wouldn’t have had before the pandemic hit. And there you can connect with people that can help you along the way.
And perhaps the greatest thing about all of these things is that they are, for the most part, completely free. All you have to do is take the action that you`ve been born with. Once you do you`ll never know what the outcome can be.
Of course, it can be good or bad but take the learning that you`ve had from Covid-19 and know that you are still alive after all the terrible things that went on so you must be here on earth for a better reason than you may have taught before.
What are you waiting for as too much time was lost during a pandemic? Take that action now!
“Ready, steady, go!”
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