7 Ways To Have A Work/Sport Balance
People often work too hard but some people watch too much sport but either way, striking a balance is best
“Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life!”
This is the well-worn quote that comes to mind when I think about having enough time for work and sport at the same time. After all, most of us sports fans would never work and would watch sport all day if we could. Of course, this is not possible, so you have to find a balance to satisfy both of these two time-sapping things.
That’s easier to do than you think, so long as you decide on what your ambitions are first.
How ambitious are you in sports?:
When I was 7 years old I wrote in my school copybook that I wanted to be a sportsman when I grew up and many other sports followers are the same.
Of course, I wasn’t old enough to understand the ways of the world then but I am now and realize that life demands money and it wants it instantly! But sport is just as instantaneous as there are games and contests all of the time to interest us. So we have to find a way of establishing what our ambitions in sport are before we can start looking at changing our work.
Realizing your physical ability is a great way to start as a young person who dreams of a professional sports career as this will largely dictate the possibilities for you of becoming a professional sports athlete.
But it’s not the only way for you to decide what ratio of time you’ll spend on sport in your life and where work fits into the mix as well.
Here are seven proven ways to help you decide where your sporting ambitions lie. Once you decide on your feelings towards them it will help you choose how much time you should spend on sport in your adult life:
1. Player longevity:
Although you may have great psychical ability to play a specific sport you have to find out how long the athletes in that particular sport spend playing in their professional career.
For example, if you love the sport of tennis then by your mid-teens you’ll need to be moving towards the professional ranks. As it’s a noncontact individual sport if a player shows their speed early on then they are usually well able to compete with adult athletes and so the competition to get on tour is heightened and as a result, it’s more difficult to earn a great income playing the sport.
Whereas if you`re a football goalkeeper you may not be expected to reach your peak until your late thirties or even your forties.
Knowing your sport and its shelf life increases the chance of you gaining a professional contract and if you don’t make it then you can decide on other areas of work for your life lime instead.
2. Decide on the most successful sport for you:
Many people just play the sport they love but their athletic talents may be better suited to another sport.
It’s best to get guidance on what sport you would be best suited for early on in your sporting career. However, if you’re still not sure play as many sports as you can when you`re younger and then quickly decide on what one you`re best at. If you want a chance to be a professional sportsperson it’s your talent that will get you noticed.
With that said, you need to have at least a spark of interest in the sport and a passion for the way of life of a professional sportsperson to help you decide.
3. Being open to other employment areas within your favorite sport:
Being a professional sportsperson looks great on paper but sometimes life throws you a curveball and you can’t play anymore or the sport advances beyond your reach.
If you are unable to compete in a professional sport then you need to have a plan ‘B’ instead. There are lots of employment options in other areas of the sport too. You could be a coach, a physiotherapist, an agent, or an executive. There are many other options to keep you working in the world of sport.
Once you pick an area of interest and stick at it you have a lifetime to master it and you will find clients that will employ you along the way.
4. Accepting that there is huge competition for places in professional sport no matter what your role:
Sport by its very nature is competitive.
Many people want to work in the area of sport. You need to accept that it’s not going to be the most lucrative of areas for most people who work in sport. But if you love what you do and you`re good at it, then it’s better than working at a desk job!
5. Establishing what you can give to sport:
Everyone has an ability that most other people don’t have.
You need to establish what your ability is and then develop it. Not everyone has what it takes to become the best coach but lots of people spend their life thinking they are great coaches. That’s good for you because they not specializing in a particular area of sport that they may be much better at than coaching, so it lessens your competition in the area that you may choose to work in.
Be smart about the value you can give to the world of sport and once you find out that sport needs your talents then approach those that need it most.
6. Linking up with winners:
Everyone loves a winner and they`ll love you too once you link up with winners in sport as well.
More importantly, though, owners, head coaches, and those that employ people in the field of sport will notice your ability and be interested in that value that you gave to that winner.
By linking up with winners other sporting employment opportunities arise and like all competitors just go and take them!
7. Being an expert in your field of sport:
Finding that niche in the world of professional sport is important because that’s where less competition lies and where you can establish yourself as the ‘go-to’ expert.
Once you`ve done that you’ll be making money in the world of sport and spending all your time at the thing you love and real work will be a time burden on other people who are dreaming all day of being involved in professional sports!
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