8 Ways To Promote And Sustain Positive Thinking
Every day can be mundane if you strictly follow a productive routine so it’s important to know how to sprinkle some positive actions into it to keep you on track in the longer term
Being positive is only a slight move in thinking. That’s it. And then you multiply it by time and the outcome equals your true greatness.
If that’s easily understandable then maybe it’s time that I swiftly move on to 8 ways to be positive in your everyday life.
1. Stand at the edge of a cliff and jump.
Now you may think that’s a crazy thing to do but if you don’t know what’s underneath where you’ll fall how do you know if you`re going to fall to your death or land softly on another ledge?
You don’t know.
But once you watch where you`re going to you`ll be able to rationalize where to jump to. And if you do your job properly you may fly!
2. Stand on a rock and jump into the sea.
The result will mean you can swim or you may struggle in the water and eventually succumb to its power. Of course, you don’t know until you try but, if you know you have the ability to float when you stay calm you`ll give yourself an opportunity to survive longer in that environment. From there you`ll learn more and give yourself a better chance to do what you intended on doing before you got there.
3. Sleep with love in your heart.
Now you may think this is a tricky thing to do given that you`ll already be asleep when you choose to check what your heart is feeling but this can be guaranteed if you adopt a clear process of being thankful for people in your life right before you nod off to your deep slumber. Some people use prayer, others use gratitude or some just think about people they know in a pleasant manner. Whatever technique you adopt it’s emitting gratefulness for having these people around you now or having had them in your life at some stage or another.
4. Wake with energy and see where it brings you.
Feel that great oomph you have as you wake and push it into a leap from your bed into your new day. Let that energy propel you to the greatest outcomes that await you throughout the next few extra hours you have on planet earth.
5. Question your negative thoughts once they happen.
Because that will give you accountability to rationalize if this thought needs to be given more energy or not. I mean what’s the point in being negative most of the time?
There is no point.
Well, at least not one that’s going to serve you or others around you at any time. So it’s very important to address this straight away once you feel a dominant but negative thought overcoming your potential for positivity.
6. Know your level of positivity and tether it.
Otherwise, you can overflow with positivity at the wrong times and in the wrong company and that may get you in trouble. For if you`re super positive in front of others who are negative and don’t respect your achievements they`ll try to knock you down and push you back or worse again think you’re crazy rather than trying to be positive.
These are energy suckers in your way and so you don’t need to give them your positivity. So it’s better to measure your approach in situations like this properly.
7. Set yourself one new achievable aim every week and make it happen.
Because there’s no point in being a positive thinking person unless you take action on that and make it happen. In setting yourself this achievable goal you need to measure it to be attainable but at the same time challenging to you.
By making it too easy it won’t stretch your need to be positive towards its outcome. And the great thing about this is you don’t have to tell anyone about this goal. If you keep it to yourself you can then make this potential achievement as something very personal. That way you`ll begin to exercise setting personal goals and knocking them out as you develop.
By doing it at least once a week you`re giving yourself a regular series of exercises that you must attain to vindicate that feel of being positive.
8. Laugh
We tend to forget how good this feels but it’s guaranteed to make us resonate with positivity.
Too many people get up each morning and rush to prepare and then eat their breakfast before queuing in traffic and worrying about whether or not they`ll be late for work or not. Then when they get to their workplace they sit for 8 hours and focus on a screen that dictates their next thoughts. By the time the evening comes there’s more traffic and then housework to look forward to. And if you have a family there is cooking as well!
But in between, there are plenty of chances to laugh. And if we take them we’ll be able to pump positivity out there and not only feel incredible but make others feel great around us too.