9 Reasons Jealousy Doesn’t Work
When someone does something or has something that you want it can spiral you into a negative emotional turmoil but you have the power to heed the warning signs and steer yourself away from the eventual failure you`ll have if you hold on to that jealousy
I’ve never been the jealous type but I`ve had people around me who were.
And although I gave them the benefit of the doubt and tried to help them out as best I could I`ve noticed there’s only so far you go with that. Because at the end of the day if someone is jealous of you, you`re not the one that’s going to be able to help them.
Helping someone is a good thing and if you`re doing it for them they`ll be jealous of that too.
So it only inflames what they are feeling in their minds about you in the first place. In essence, it makes things worse for them.
And although you shouldn’t have to step away from that person it’s the best thing to do for them if they are in that situation.
Because leaving them to wonder about why you’re no longer available allows them to think about why that is. And at the end of it all, they`ll have to look within for the answers because you’re the one that’s lighting them up with jealousy so your presence is not going to positively arouse them to figure it all out. But if they did they`d realize that being jealous doesn’t work.
And here are 9 ways this is so:
1. It makes you feel bad
But no one wants to feel that way. Yet often people get pulled into this feeling when they know it’s not good for them in the first place.
Of course, the smart thing to do would be to accept that someone else, for now, has the success that you desire but if you can’t accept that it will make you fume at the thought of it. Yet when you are thinking about the person that makes you jealous the person you think is causing this feeling is living their life in an enjoyable way without worrying about this need for jealousy at all.
2. You ignore what you already have and therefore ignore the good people in your life already
Because if you`re jealous you`re portraying a very strong but negative emotion. And that emotion will dictate you`re decision-making whilst you live your life in that mood. By making those decisions a jealous person can become very short-sighted and does not consider all the great people that are around them in life already.
Instead, they become consumed by the feeling of wanting to prove themselves as being better than the person they are jealous towards and this will harm their relationships as a result.
3. Jealousy steals your energy
And anything that takes it must be positive otherwise it can fester and damage your health in some way or another. By being jealous you`ll pull remaining energy from other areas of your life and be trying to prove to others that you are as good if not better than the person you are jealous of. But although you will try to be better than them because you’re acting from a place of jealousy you won’t be in enough control of your emotions to express or create in the best way that you can.
4. You cannot control other peoples success so why should you be worried about it
But if you`re jealous you will be. Yet if you can find a moment of rationalization within the midst of rage you`ll begin to see that the person you are jealous of has just reached the milestone you wanted to before you and it doesn’t stop you from getting there. Rather it only means they have earned the attention that you so desire.
5. Jealousy is a waste of time
Because it will delay you in having clarity. And it’s that clarity that’s required to see the whole picture. For if you truly want to improve everything that you do you`ll want to make sure you`re doing things to the best of your ability and that all depends on your motivation behind what you are doing in the first place.
6. It makes you say and do things that are childish
And if you go down that road you’re likely to regret it in the future.
7. Being jealous attracts the wrong people in your life
And having them around you will mean you`ll be making your life worse for now and in the future as well. This ill-feeling will put you on the wrong frequency and away from where you had first intended to go.
8. Jealousy is a habit and a bad one at that
As it can stay with you for a long time and cloud your thinking. So it’s important to recognize when you are potentially going to become jealous so you can stop yourself from acting out on it.
9. As you can only focus on one thing at a time you can’t be successful if you`re being jealous
And that makes the feeling of jealousy so ironic that there is no point in holding on to it at all.
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