The Future of Neuroscience
No many knew about neuroscience a few years back and now people wonder how it will change the future
Before we know the future of anything we must know the past first.
And the same is true of neuroscience.
Back when a man was going onto the moon in 1969 the United States National Academies Committee on Brain Sciences felt that there was a requirement for a central organization for education in neuroscience, and to allow people to understand behavior and the human nervous system, and to get the current research out there on what was being learned on neuroscience.
As our brains are connected by trillions of synapses and can be stimulated by electrical, biochemical, and mechanical cues the future has huge room for improvement and development.
Over the next fifty years or so it’s expected that new and more advanced technologies will allow more noninvasive brain imaging techniques. And with these new technologies coming on stream medics will be able to modify disease processes and understand physiology and disease better.The future will involve in vitro studies that concentrate on microorganisms, biological molecules, and cells, outside their normal biological context.
Biologists will be able to use the imaging to establish drive cell fate, neurite extension, and neuronal migration.
They’ll be able to explore developmental neuroscience. Neuronal migration, circuit formation, and cell fate interconnections will be studied in greater detail.
In the future, neuroscientists will be able to test genetics better, understand how humans age, and how the environment will affect the brain’s functionality. There will be new therapies for neurological diseases and the efficacy of gene editing will improve. It may also be possible in the future that a self-directed replacement of brain tissues will occur.
Future questions around motor control, sensory processing, and how humans make decisions will also be assessed.
Cooperation will be needed between physical scientists and biologists as they coordinate chemical reactions to understand the action potential firing of neurons.
And Although there is no cure for Alzeimer’s advancements are making the future look brighter.
There are apps and technological advancements and huge amounts of research being done on the disease. Patients can receive certain drugs and non-drug-related treatments that slow their decline of cognitive understanding and memory. Work is also being done on new diagnostic tools such as PET (positron emission tomography) scans that can detect abnormal proteins in those with Alzheimer’s and even dementia.
The future developments in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease is also looking positive.
Firstly, there is research being done on slowing down the progression of the disease and there may even be a cessation of the disease as it progresses. This will also allow the symptoms of the disease to be treated individually.
In time, robots and surgeries will be assisted by computers and these computers will be able to move to help the surgeon throughout the surgery.
He or she will direct the surgery as a result of the information that they’re seeing on the 3-D screens that they examine which shows the internal workings of the patient’s brain and their body.
And in a few years, the number of people that will live past 100 years will have increased significantly.
It is projected that one in five people of the population will live past the century mark. Yet on the other side of things, right now human sperms and ova are being sold online and in the USA alone well over 100,000 babies have come from Petri dishes.
In the future, the Human Genome Project will be very revealing.
The neural stem cell will make use of the 130,000 genes where at least 30% are involved in the development and growth of the nervous system.
Stem cell research and rejuvenation will replace organ replacement. Even blood vessels, nerves, bone and cartilage, heart, liver, and kidneys can be re-energized with new stem cells and this will revolutionize not only the way medicine is done but also how medics are trained and what the activities they do daily also.
Neuroscience will connect the brain and the body of those who require prosthetic limbs.
There will be wired connections between motor parts of our brains and limbs that require movement. And genetically engineered tissue will be able to be grown in the labs to aid this evolution.
Although the Covid-19 pandemic forced doctors and surgeons to adapt to telemedicine, neuroscience will have a further part to play in its development too as electrical changes at the neuronal level will become a norm.
When you read all of this it’s understandable to think that the future will be a scary place to be.
Although neuroscience will allow all of those things to be achieved moral questions will be around a lot of their uses too. And that’s why it’s important to understand that we must use neuroscience for the good of humanity.
For example, the future felon will have an electronic chip implanted in the amygdala of their brain.
The amygdala is where our emotions and memories lie. It’s the part of your brain’s limbic system which is an ancient part that affects a person’s behavior.
And as many behaviorists can only judge a person on their past the same is true of how the future of neuroscience is only in its infancy and its past will determine the coming developments for all of mankind too.
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