How The Truth Will Save You Money
Your brain will believe whatever it imagines to be true so make sure you ask for the truth before the lies dictate your life
There’s fact and then there’s fiction and then there’s life.
A factual story looks at what happened in reality. It can also be known as a non-fiction story. Whereas a fictional story can be made up from a writer’s imagination.
Either way, though I think we need to pay attention to a good story.
Because in each story there is a lesson.
Of course, if the story is based on factual happenings and it moves you emotionally you`re going to sit up and pay attention. You`ll wonder how the characters lived through such an event in their lives and probably put yourself in their shoes if you are in the same or a similar situation.
But it’s the same for a fictional story.
Because the funny thing is our brains don’t know any different.
They believe whatever we let in as being the truth.
If we get lost in a fictional tale or a great story and don’t know from the off if the story is true or not we don’t have the power to rationalize it. Rather we get sucked into the story.
And even if we are told it’s not a true story at the end of it all it doesn’t matter.
Because at that stage our brain has gone through the most amazing journey of imagination and triggered emotional responses that make us feel so deeply that we tell ourselves the story could be true.
Of course when we put the book down or leave the movie theatre and go to school or work the next day to try to convince our school pals or workmates to go to buy that book or watch that movie one of the first things they`ll wonder about is if it’s true or not.
And when we lead with the emotional explanation of the story from our memories they too may be swept aside by the tale or maybe they will not be.
Because that depends on how well you recount the story and graphically describe it from your memory. And let’s face it not everyone has that knack of being able to recount a story with the correct sense of emotion than when they were impacted by it in the first place.
And that does matter.
Because somewhere along the line the person we are telling will wonder about whether it’s worth spending their time reading the book and going to the movie and they`ll more than likely think about whether it’s worth the money they have to pay or not.
And if you were to know that you’d try to convince them it is.
But the reality is your story skills mean a lot because you are selling the listener an experience of something you`ve been touched by in your life.
And people want experiences.
We crave our emotional rollercoaster.
We want to feel sadness, happiness, fear, disgust, anger, or surprise.
In doing so it makes us feel alive.
If there is pleasure involved in the story then from these feelings rich and fresh dopamine flows throughout our brain. It can envisage a pleasure and reward being experienced by even listening to the story second hand.
Or serotonin may flush feelings of satisfaction throughout our brain cells. And then on to your nervous system.
Norepinephrine may be triggered too as it meddles with your concentration and stress centers.
And oxytocin may be ignited if there is a relationship or empathetic twist to the tale.
No matter what the response the reality is when hearing a story that has impacted another person you know you will have a response to it.
And once you respond it means you are touching on your emotions.
Because this is the power of a great story.
And if it is factual you`ll cognitively know if it happened to others it could happen to you too.
But if you find out later it’s only fictional and you`ve gone down the rabbit hole of initially believing it was true then you`ve already traced a series of neural pathways so even though you cognitively know it’s not true and you shouldn’t have believed it in the first place, the imagery of the story is still wired in your brain.
This means the next time you see something that reminds you of the story you will think back on how you felt when you thought it was true in the first place.
If the feeling is deep enough and connects with other feelings you have in life such as a personal memory then you’ll have wired it further into your subconscious.
And once it’s there it’s a little bit trickier to get it out.
Because that’s the way people make money from people’s emotions.
They tell stories that hit your emotions first and then your rational brain catches up but before it gets there your brain is convincing you it’s wrong.
So you buy things on autopilot much of the time.
So a great life lesson from all of this is when someone is about to tell you a story again ask them if it’s true before they tell it.
Otherwise, you may be spending more time and money than you`ll have ever imagined and be carving out your future dictated by a false belief that will bring you to know where except into the hands of the master storyteller and their ever rising bank account.
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