How To Work Or Not For Life Balance
Much is said and written about the work/life balance so it's important to address this in your mind before you become overly stressed and underpaid
If you have a set of scales you could break it because of the weight of work on one side.
Because often too many people work a lot more than they spend time at in other areas of their lives.
This is how they see the work/Life balance conundrum.
While many people see this as damaging because it puts them under stress whereas others disagree with this because they feel they get so much from work.
Although it’s not a set rule, many of the people that get stressed can be employed whereas many of those that love their work and don’t get as stressed are successful entrepreneurs.
Because at times employees try to be people pleasers.
What their job specifications and managers dictate them to do and this impacts on their feelings. For them, this can be the measure of success in a position. Yet this doesn’t necessarily please the most important person in the equation.
And that is themselves.
Whereas entrepreneurs often structure their motivation depending on what they`re doing and on how good the work is rather than trying to please the boss or some superior person. Because for them there would be a decrease in their satisfaction level with their work and this would be working with less independent thought also.
With this in mind ask yourself:
Have you an employee or an entrepreneurial mentality?
Employees can often look at getting all the projects done in time for the boss whereas entrepreneurs look at the market and see what’s needed before making a profitable product or service. They notice how much quality is needed in the service.
But the bigger questions are:
Why are you working?
Is it for money or is it for keeping busy?
Because that’s another thing lots of people do day in and day out when they feel they don’t have a good work/ life balance. They put being busy central to their working aim. And in doing so they aren’t necessarily working towards a successful outcome but rather are going through the motions.
So to feel as if you have more balance in your life you need to address what relevance being busy has to you.
The same is true of your thoughts and feelings around money and what you feel is true passion in life.
Because money is a great motivator to work. But it’s only a thing. Whereas you are a living being who can feel things. And these feelings can change now and again.
Work can change these feelings.
If you have an intention as to how much you want to make from your work then you`ll be able to guide how much balance you need from it and others areas of your life as well. And even though you`ll work hard you can still run into walls and problems. From there you need to access another part of your life to find a balance that will enable you how to work through the problem.
Because you can only go so far with work problems and if money is not produced outside of this then your body will begin to experience negative stress.
Yet if you can work with your passion in mind then you`ll feel more balanced as a result. And if this passion is aligned with helping people then great! But you need to aware you`re the most important person to be firstly helped, otherwise, you can’t help others unless you come from a full cup of energy.
So work at what you love and you`ll just become a creator.
And in being a creator you are growing. So to be truly creative you need to be innovative and to design something new or establish a new service that people want or need.
In doing this make sure to do one thing at a time.
Because multi-tasking does not work. As your brain can only learn one thing at a time. Still, we think we can be productive by doing a couple of things at once when in reality we can’t be!
The fact that we think we can be shows how badly our thoughts can become populated with unproductive confusion.
For example, when you`re sitting at a computer and you`ve something to write about you can`t do it well if you`re sitting there listening to a podcast or radio.
Sure, you may be certain you can take in most of the information and continue to type but then try to re-read your work and see how good it is.
Of course, if you are only typing to copy notes from a handwritten sheet of paper you can lend an ear to the podcast or radio and take most of it in. But if you`re trying to write creatively you`ll have to more aware of what you`re typing and the background sounds will fade into the scenery. Your brain will hone in on not only using your cerebellum to functionally type the words out but also you`ll need your frontal cortex to organize your sentence construction, plan your paragraphs, and access memories and visual pictures to put it successfully on the page.
Not only that but you’ll write quicker if you`re only writing and not listening to anything too.
Because although you may think you’re being creative and putting something beneficial on paper your readers will know differently after looking at the content you`ve produced.
So know your mentality and what your motivation for work is. Plan for the money you want to make and find your passion to align with it. Discard the need for busyness and replace with helping one person at a time.
And watch how the scales swing to the centre over time for your work and life balance.
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