How Your Unconscious Mind Creates Destructive Behaviours
Although we don’t know its happening fear can creep into our minds and impact our lives but we can control it with our minds as well
Your unconscious mind is on autopilot and does things without asking you.
And it makes major life decisions for you. At least that’s what happens when you let it do that. This is especially so when you open your mind to be influenced.
One of the most obvious examples of this is when millions of people from the past couple of generations sit and watch television for a couple of hours at the end of each day.
At that stage their body and mind are tired.
They want to be entertained. And many of them do it alone so seek company from the characters they watch on their favorite TV shows too.
And that’s when the subconscious is wide open to receive information.
By watching TV at that time and being tired you’re going to be exposed to product placements and advertisements between breaks in your TV show. From watching them in a relaxed manner you’re allowing yourself to be exposed to the stories that are told even if you don’t think you’re believing it all you’re being sold to.
After all, that’s why your favorite TV soap has been categorized as a ‘soap’ because the shows were created simply to sell advertisements of soaps and detergents at evening dinner time in households.
But of course, soaps are harmless items that won’t transform your life.
Yet what about things that do?
The advertisements companies know that those things that we fear are also the most impressionable to enter into our subconscious. And when there’s a product or service contained within that scary advertisement it’s going to create a trigger within you. It’s within that fearful moment that a person is watching the advertisement that their subconscious is most impressionable.
And then when you arrive at a store you’ll be well aware of the brand that has been embedded into your memory.
That’s when the awareness kicks in when you’re walking the aisles and searching for one product over another. Even though you think you’re in control of what you want to buy you’re being constantly advertised to as you walk throughout the aisles. There’s a multitude of colors, shapes, and sizes of products all pushing their brand in front of you.
And it’s the one that you’ve already seen late at night during that fearful moment that will have the best chance to be bought by you when you’re trying to decide on what to purchase.
Of course, when you continually purchase something you’re building a habit.
But your habits are not only for you as they’re also for others in your household. Because the moment you arrive at home your partner or children will notice the full bags of groceries and want to see what’s inside of them. As they open out the bags the products they’re exposed to are the ones they begin to trust.
And if you’re a child, who do you trust most in life?
Well, your initial caregivers of course, which in most cases are your parents.
So by creating habits to buy you’re creating your longer-term behaviors and a lifetime of behaviors for your children as well.
That’s how brands like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Kelloggs, and spam become household brands.
And when they get into one household over a lifetime or more they get into many others as well. From there people begin to look fondly at the brand and build a long-term emotional connection with the product. They associate them with their childhood and for most having those brands around them are attached to the best memories they’ve had.
Then when people grow up and look back on their childhood together or watch old movies they fondly see their favorite brands show up on the set of the movie.
All of this builds a culture for a generation.
And that’s the power that major brands have over all of us. The cultural awareness of brands from childhood has become embedded in our psyche and it’s very difficult to stop thinking that the source ingredients that are in the products that we’ve consumed most of our life could be harmful to our bodies.
Because our brain has taught for such a long time that the product is not only useful but it’s a requirement of our basic diets.
As our brains have been wired to not only think the product is needed by us every time we go to a shop, but that it is central to our deep feelings of having achieved once we exit the store too.
And the cycle goes on and on for millions of people day in day out, week after week, and throughout their lifetime even though they know that what they spend their hard-earned money on may not be best serving their diets, brains, bodies, and life in general.
So how do we change what our subconscious creates as our behavior?
Being the pilot of your life and taking control of your time spent being exposed to danger will not only keep you flying but it’ll safely land where you want to go in life as well!
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