Our Brain Knows Fear Better Than Technology
Although there are great advancements in technology the natural wiring of your brain will guide you to where we want to go so long as you are aware enough of it at the time
I guarantee you the hardest thing in life is death,
If someone close to you dies it will leave a mark on you forever. It will change the way you think and can redirect your life in a new direction.
But although death is something that immediately brings with it initial negativity on the thing that is certain over time is that it gives finality.
Because there’s no coming back from it.
You can dwell on the ‘what ifs’ and the ‘would bes’ ’ if the person was still alive yet that won’t get you anywhere in life. So you have to eventually live your life instead. Pick up the pieces and get on with things.
From there all you can do is survive and with time try to receive some joy from life again.
Because life is a joyful time.
Especially if we look for the small certainties of it. And that can come from simple things and our appreciation of what’s around us and how it will outlive us.
Many of those things are found in nature.
And it’s all around us.
Although in modern life we are used to city dwellings with modern conveniences our ancient human friends were more used to the wild. Even though we’ve much advancement in modern living back we haven’t changed enough in our make-up enough to be settled in the modern world.
Because our ancient brain still wants us to survive.
And it will do anything in the modern world to achieve that. Just like all those years ago when we had to hunt and gather and be aware of who was around the next turn our fear centers lit up our brain to warn us from certain situations. The same is also true these days.
Even though we have the technology to tell us what’s near us.
Rationally it doesn’t make sense to us why we fear certain things when we have modern technology to aid us with our awareness. Along with sophisticated laws, it keeps us well and away from too much harm. Yet our ancient brain doesn’t think that way exactly.
Instead, it keeps us on high alert in case those dangers overtake us.
And this is a good thing because it shows that our brain’s amygdala is doing its job properly.
The amygdala is found in your brain’s temporal lobe.
The term comes from the word almond because this part of the brain represents this type of seed. There are two parts to one in each cerebral hemisphere.
Part of the ancient limbic system, the amygdala plays a huge role in your emotion and behavior as it primarily deals with how you process fear yet it has other functions as well.
And back in the 1930s, an interesting experiment was done by two scientists Paul Bucy and Heinrich Kluver. They took out the amygdala of rhesus monkeys and from there noticed massive behavioral changes in them. The monkeys showed little fear in their behavior.
The collection of nuclei within the temporal lobe did not perceive fear rather the rest of the brain was more docile as a result of this.
From there Kluver- Bucy syndrome was coined.
Klüver-Bucy syndrome (KBS) rarely happens but when it does it’s usually as a result of a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
That’s when people find changes in dietary behavior, sexual hyperactivity, visual agnosia, visual agnosia, and placidity. Of course changes in diet can be noticed quite easily. And sexual urges will alter a person’s behavior too.
And if you`re more placid in your behavior many people will often notice it too.
But something unusual like visual agnosia is not as clear to many people.
Visual agnosia occurs when brain damage occurs in the neural pathway in the connections of the occipital lobe and the parietal or temporal lobe. Here incoming visual information is processed from the assembled information where the two formally mentioned lobes help you to understand the incoming information.
So that’s how our brain’s fears centers work.
And it’s clear we still need them despite all the technological advancements that many of us purchase and the marketplace push at us. Because our ancient brains which have still shaped our skulls with almonds within it keep us wary of what’s in our futures.
And although death will be guaranteed to be there somewhere at some time you can enjoy your time knowing you have an automatic piece of hardware wired in your brain.
And there are no guarantees in life that every day will be positive.
Yet your brain will let you know when it wants to get your attention from what it perceives is a fear you need to aware of.
So if you trust you`ve got the knowledge to notice what’s going to harm you then you`ll be able to forge ahead with more confidence in what you are looking for from life.
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