The Future After Covid-19
People will shape the future and it’s their experiences from 2020 that will decide their actions.
The Covid-19 virus is like a piece of string and you never know how long it is.
And, like a piece of string, it can tie things together or snap very easily if there’s too much tension put on it.
And there are almost 8 billion other pieces of string of the world but they are not a virus. They are people.
Each person that is in our world is affected in some way by Covid-19. As every person is connected with another person in this world then their lives are tied together tightly. And as Coivd-19 was on the end of everyone’s lips since early 2020 it has a presence that is undeniable in our daily lives.
And despite all of the tragedies and limitations since Coivd-19 began, we can make this experience a good thing for all its survivors.
Before Covid-19 there was an idea of globalization and that was a longer string that was to bind us all together.
During Covid-19 it was impossible to travel around like before it happened. But, before 2020 we need to realize that there were only ever a small percentage of people that had the money to travel around the world regularly as most of the wealth was with the minority of people.
But throughout Covid-19 globalization has changed to a feeling rather than a concept.
As everyone in the world’s lives has been affected by Covid-19 their feelings about certain things have changed also.
Of course, the big question is:
‘what will be the overall outcome of these feelings in the future?’
And the truth is that only the future will tell this. But, as everyone has changed their feelings it’s likely that the overall outcome will have an impactful change that is so great that it will change our world for decades to come.
Because it’s feelings that dictate most people’s thoughts and it’s their thoughts that create their actions.
As what we create in the present will manifest in our futures.
This is true for businesses, companies, organizations, teams, and individuals. Whether it’s through hard work, planning, innovation, invention, or luck, what we are doing right now will change what we’ll be doing in the future. Where ever or whatever Covid-19 came from is a result of the same creative manifestations.
Although the time of Covid-19 may be a tough time for many it’s still worthy to note that it’s how you react to it all that will dictate your future for a long time to come.
When Covid-19 started the term ‘the new normal’ was put out there to warn ordinary people that they must accept it for what it is and live with its consequences.
Yet people continued to speak about how they couldn’t wait for ‘life to get back to normal’. But that ‘normal’ is now gone. And it’s never going to come back. Whatever your daily routine was before Covid-19 or your annual or long term future was then, it will never be exactly quite the same again.
That’s not to say that it can’t be better, because it can.
If you are one of the people who stick their head in the sand and failed to accept ‘the new normal’ for what it was, then you`ll probably struggle with the future.
But if you got your head around it all during 2020 then you`ll begin to understand the changes that will shape your life in the future.
And you`ll be more aware of things having experienced the year of the pandemic. One of these things is that for sure Covid-19 came from something negative and its disruptions to the world saw many negatives too.
However, there must also have been positives.
As there has been so much change, it’s important to start seeing the positives and accepting them as a new way to live by. Although there have been many sicknesses, illnesses, and deaths, there is still life to come and it’s key for everyone to make the most of it. By learning from this period properly you`ll become a better person in the future.
And that’s a worthy lesson that comes from it all.
As everyone has been affected in some way throughout Covid-19 empathy must play its part.
Think about it, to survive a pandemic empathy must exist. And the time after it must include it also otherwise the lessons that we`ve learned from living through Covid-19 are useless.
So if you adopt more empathy in the future you`ll feel better for your past and see things clearer as more changes come along too.
As it’s been people’s empathy that has saved you until now then you owe that back to them as they will need it in their life too.
Because, if Covid-19 is like that piece of string that we were all wrapped up in for so long then the experiences and feelings that came out it will be tied with us all forever.