Why Playing An Individual Sport Is Healthiest
Many people watch sports and forget that being sedentary is bad for their health, that’s why sports fans need to get off the coach and compete as well
The sport that you love is the best sport to play for your health.
Because if you truly have passion for that sport you’ll get the most enjoyment from it.
Sure, you may be playing with a team that loses but your passion will override this because you love being involved in the particular sport. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you won’t want to win or get frustrated from losing.
Because you will.
But by being passionate about the sport you’ll look outside your team’s performance and start to think about what it takes to improve.
But in truth, there are very few people who do that.
Because the word of professional sport is all about business. And as with most businesses the career of any player in any one organization or team is only as good as their level of performance. Players who continue to lose in professional team sports tend to be open to moving from their team to another team or organization rather than trying to improve their team over the longer term.
Whereas in amateur sport this choice is not always possible.
Because it’s those types of players who may not have the option to move to bigger or more successful teams. And as they play at a lower level other areas of their lives such as work, relationships, and money may stop them from moving to another location to play with another team.
That’s why amateur players who want to play sport for the good of their health should always consider an individual sport as well.
Because if you can find an individual sport that you’re passionate about you can begin to dictate whether you win or lose. And let’s face it if you love the sport and are winning more times than losing you’ll get more positives from it.
And its positives that our health loves.
As long gone are the days that good health is only measured by the physical parts of your body. Being healthy is not only about being the proper weight or being able to walk a mile a day. It’s also about how you feel when you’re doing what you do.
Rather than concentrating on making the next birthday and patching up problems that exist on the surface, health is better served by lifting the hood on the problem, taking a peek underneath, and then addressing what makes a person unhappy.
Because if you’re unhappy in your mind your body will soon show symptoms of this.
Think about it for a second.
Many people who are grossly overweight haven’t woken up one day and put all that weight on. Rather, their weight gain has occurred over a period. And they’ve either bought the excess food or fed themselves it when they didn’t need to eat it. And in many cases over time they’ve neglected to exercise their bodies too.
Now don’t get me wrong there are people out there with weight issues that go deeper than overeating and lack of exercise.
But it’s ironic when you see people who either play lots of sport or follow sports that are obese and eating unhealthy too.
That’s why if sports fans discover individual sports to partake in they can hold themselves accountable and compete with themselves to affect their health in a postive manner. Sure playing a team sport is fun, but it can also mean that you can go missing in action and the efforts that you put in can be masked by other players on the team who have more talent or put in more work.
Whereas in individual sports you need to be always ready because it’s less forgiving.
And when you prepare well for an individual sport that you’re passionate about you’re giving yourself the best chance of winning more regularly.
When you do you’ll feel much better.
You’ll feel as if you’ve achieved a lot.
But to get to that point those that play individual sports need to learn self-discipline. They need to begin to understand what foods are best to buy and when and how to eat suitably. Then there are other aspects like how much sleep and when to sleep, planning for the competition, and organizing your lifestyle around your sport.
And all of this takes effort.
But if you find a sport that you love it’s all worth it. Because learning that amount of discipline and putting it into playing an individual sport will mean that other areas of your life will be healthier too.
And your mind will be fitter as well as your body.
So it’s not only sport that can make you healthy it’s the passion that you show for it.
And if you do show that passion it will reward you back not only in your chosen sport but in the life that you want to lead now and well into the future as well.
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