Your Behavior Dictates Your Sophistication

The world is struggling to keep up with higher energy demands and global warming will dictate our futures yet you can change it all for the better

Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D.
4 min readOct 7, 2021

Although the world is so sophisticated there is fear in every corner.

Photo by Ben Eaton on Unsplash

And if there is fear there is no sophistication.

Even though the world has developed such incredible technologies to give to the present generation many comforts, possibilities, and opportunities it seems the differences between people are getting larger.

In 2020 we noticed how it was clear that people of color were not being treated well in the United States by law enforcement officers there.

In the past few years, the male world of this planet has become fully informed of the unequal opportunities given to females.

And these are only the most obvious of problems that still exist.

With such problems in the world, it seems unusual that we think we are living in a very sophisticated time on earth. After all according to the Oxford and Collins dictionary ‘sophistication’ refers to there being a higher comfort level in social situations, quality of intelligence, having an ability to understand, and having a lot of knowledge.

Yet there is no evidence in this world right now to suggest that there is a higher comfort level absolute comfort in social situations, massive intelligence, and a complete understanding of everyone.

Sure, there are better technologies that allow us to wash clothes in greater amounts quicker. And drying clothes in powerful machines rather than having to slave over an outside water source for hours on end while scrubbing with a brush and hoping every stain will go away is now possible.

‘Yes’ we can keep fresh food edible for longer than we’ve ever been able to thanks to refrigerators that are now big enough to walk into and stand up in if we wanted to.

And of course, we only need to put our hands in our pockets to take out a little device that will connect us in seconds to anyone else on the planet.

This does show the ability many humans now have at their fingertips but it also highlights the waste of energy we put into our actions.

Because still, this has not brought us to a higher level.

As all of these things require power to sustain them. And the world is struggling to maintain a consistent level of power that will allow all people to be certain they can run these machines and devices consistently into the future.

And that all comes back to how we treat the planet and each other.

Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on Unsplash

So perhaps the Cambridge dictionary’s take on the word ‘sophistication’ is a little more accurate in that they refer to it as being about:

“…having an understanding of the way people behave.”

Because our behavior as people dictates whether there truly is sophistication in the first place.

For there is no point claiming we as a generation are more sophisticated than previous ones who did not have such advanced technologies if we can’t sustain this level of living into the future.

And that’s where fear creeps in.

Because with the problems that are now on earth with growing uncertainty overpowering up technologies for all those who have purchased them a growing proportion of fear is evident.

With this fear, we are reminded of our ancestors who had to toil through hard times and died much younger than how many in the western world now survive.

Yet the present generation on earth grew up only imagining this but within their lifetime, we must acknowledge that there we are much closer to these limitations than we first thought.

For once gas goes or electricity is powered off all the technologies we have are useless.

If and when that happens we will be struggling to find some light and dwelling in the darkness makes it impossible for us to see where we’re going.

The only real solution to avoiding pockets of blackouts in the future is to truly understand all of our behavior and then adapt them to the needs of all of the users of these technologies which drain the worldly energy all at the same time.

But with so many different ways of thinking in the world that includes prejudices, sexism, racism, and other cultural variations how can we as a human people group together and sustain the advanced level of living that we have?

The answer is pretty simple really.

We must respect one another.

And that included having empathy, sharing, and knowing that everyone deserves fairness.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Because if we don’t have these attributes as people the world will transcend into a place where feat resides.

Fear of each other.

Fear of our future.

Fear of ourselves.

And that’s no more sophisticated than ancient times. Rather it’s a continuation of it.

So we have a big choice to make over the coming time which will dictate whether or not we have developed as a human tribe or not. It’s a gigantic test, especially because we have failed badly in past tests many times before.

Yet this test is perhaps our last chance to pass.

And if we chose to get the higher mark we will graduate with the most sophisticated human behavior that has ever existed.

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Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D.
Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D.

Written by Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D.

Forbes, INC. & Entrepreneur Magazines, CBS, & NBC Featured, Dr. Conor Is The No. 1 Best Selling Author of The Gym Upstairs

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