Your Brain’s Curiosity Will Heal You
Aging has often been seen as a limiting factor to most people but by having interest things can improve
Your brain is capable of performing to a higher level beyond what you presently think it can.
And you may doubt that statement straight away. If you do, I`m glad you do.
Well, it probably means that you’ve achieved a lot in life. Maybe you’ve got the big car (or several of them!), a big house, celebrity status, money to burn, and people willing to do anything for you. But that doesn’t mean you’ve maximized all that your brain is capable of.
If you have all of that you’ve plenty of time to read on a little bit more to appreciate how powerful your brain is.
Your brain has trillions of connections called synapses and billions of neurons which are nerve cells. Weighing in 3 pounds but not always in your corner as 60% of this complex organ is made up of fat. But that’s not fat that drags your brain’s performance down. Because if it’s nourished properly its performance can be remarkable.
Although in many ways it mimics the hardware of a computer its storage space is unlimited.
With over 80 billion neurons and the ability to connect to other neurons, the possibility of trillions of connections is likely. Always active and ready to serve you, your brain can be guided by your thinking and then your actions. This thinking can be controlled within that frontal lobe part of your brain and overtime can alter the significance of other parts of your brain and your entire being.
What’s very interesting is that society still thinks that brains have limited abilities when in fact the human brain’s ability is limitless.
The means that from the brain’s point of view you can do anything and become anything.
The ancient part of the brain is to the rear and the learning of new things generally results in improvements initially seen in the front of the brain. Although brains can work at around 268 miles per hour it’s still only developing into the mid and even late twenties in humans.
Just think about that for a second.
And if you have you’ll have worked millions of your synapses into action and exercised your brain in a higher-order way.
This is the way geniuses think.
And from a neurological standpoint, anyone born with a normal brain can become a genius. At least, this is what was thought by the time the decade of the brain arrived in the 1990s and neuroplasticity was debated.
As neuroplasticity is about reorganizing new neural pathways and the adult brain is still developing well into the adult years, the peak of performance must come later than the generally accepted peak of athletic performance. For many years athletes were presumed to have hit their peak around their late 20s and from there on in they would regress in speeds and other physical abilities. However, the brain is still finding its feet at this stage.
Oddly most education systems finish the majority of formal post-primary and high school education by late adolescence for many and soon after young people are expected to vote on political and legal issues from an adult mindset. Yet for most of them, their brains are still developing and they have yet to have any life experience by this stage either.
Why not energize another couple of million neurons and think how your life may have been different had you not been given the chance as an adult until perhaps up to a decade later in your life?
Ask yourself:
Would this have delayed me?
Would this have developed me in the long run?
If it would have delayed you then you’ll probably be able to look back and realize that even as an older teen you had the right intentions in life and a purpose or passions that you wouldn’t have changed. But if you answer believing a ‘no’ then maybe you can see life from a greater perspective whilst now looking back. Maybe by looking yourself at that age that you’ll realize you were and even are still on the road to development.
And that’s not a bad thing at all.
Because many adults become boring and unmotivated. Even if you have all the material things that are needed in life others around you may discover that you’ve lost your sense of curiosity and wonderment. And this is what your brain thrives off of.
Your brain loves to be challenged by a new passion, whether it’s old or new.
Even if you’re searching for a new passion, your curiosity to find it is working your brain in such a way that it’s tickling its fancy and you will figure out what that thing is.
Perhaps the answer to both questions is that you are still searching for the answers to your health, money, love, and even happiness.
But the answer is between your ears or if it’s not there yet by feeding your brain the correct information it’ll tweak its curiosity enough to unfold the answer from within.
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